Alien Skull Found On Mars

Alien Skull Found On Mars

Alien hunters have found alien skulls on Mars, the skull is more like a dinosaur (those that live on earth). The weird looking skull found on Mars shows eye sockets and a nose. No one knows whether it is the remains of a Martian skull or just a rock. Although Mars looks more of a desert than a place that supports life. But this picture has left people in amaze. Spirit is the panoramic camera of NASA with the help of which this picture is taken.

The rock was discovered by NASA’s Curiosity Rover that is currently exploring the surface of Mars. It is pretty interesting if you’re thinking it is a skull. It could be anything else, may be a simple rock. The problem is it could be a skull. Seems like the skull has defined teeth and jaws.

At first glance it appears to be a rocky desert. But space gazers are talking about it. Internet forums are full of conversations about the picture. One alien-spotter said: “The skull is 15cm with binocular eyes 5cm apart. The cranial capacity is approximately 1400cc.”

There appears to be a narrow pointed small mouth, so this creature more likely is a carnivore.”

“The nose area is broad and blunted as you would expect to see in a cold and windy landscape. Is he decapitated or is he buried up to his neck”.

Another blogger said: “The coronal ridge shows ample structure to support the musculature of antennae, although no one are visible in this view”.

Well, the images in which the skull is spotted on the surface of Mars were released in 2006. Scientists believe that it is the result of tampering.

In 1976, the popular Face on Mars captured by Viking 1 spacecraft showed little likeness with the human face. In 1998, the area was re-photographed to eliminate confusion. And the result was nothing but a trick of light.

NASA has decided to ignore this photograph because there is plenty of word to do on the surface of Mars. This work doesn’t include examining each and every boulder, or frog shaped rock.

OK, now it’s your turn to tell us whether it is an Alien skull found on Mars or just a piece of rock.



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