What happened on the fifth of November?

What happened on the fifth of November?

Have you heard the phrase “Remember, remember the fifth of November”. What does it mean what we should remember on 5th of November? What does that mean? Let’s find out. What happened on the fifth of November? Maybe you have heard about Guy Fawkes Night. A beautiful evening of bonfire and fireworks held across the United Kingdom. It is also known as firework night or Bonfire Night.

Where it all started?   

November 5th, 1605 marks the failure of Gunpowder Plot. A group of catholic conspirators entered the parliament to blow it up and kill King James I. The mastermind of the plan was Robert Catesby but Guy Fawkes was the one who was caught near the House of the Lords with over 35 barrels of gunpowder. Though there were other conspirators involved but Guy Fawkes was the most unfortunate of all.     

Guy Fawkes along with all conspirators charged as traitors for plotting the plan against the government. Fawkes along with other plotters was hanged, drawn and quartered at the Tower of London. No doubt the execution was the most horrific. But this was done to show how serious the crime is.

In 1606, the king delivered a speech to remember the event and made it an annual tradition. Lancelot Andrewes delivered gunpowder speech for the first time. Moreover a nursery rhythm was proposed to make sure that the day became part of history and never be forgotten.

The Name of Poem

This poem is known as “Please to remember the fifth of November”. Every year on November 5th Firework day is celebrated. However, firework displays take place before or after the weekend.

Remember the 5th of November

In the United Kingdom, the other names for the 5th of November are Guy Fawkes Night and Bonfire Night. The celebrations normally finish with the burning of a Guy Fawkes doll.

The biggest celebrations of bonfire night take place in Southeast England. The most famous celebrations are held in Lewes. Where all societies host bonfire events following their traditions.  

The Rhyme

In case you don’t know the rhyme here it is:

Remember remember the fifth of November

Gunpowder, treason and plot

I see no reason why gunpowder, treason

Should ever be forgot….    




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